Mega: 02 Oct 11:43 MEGA Suffolk SANDHILL CRANE ...
After the initial disappointment that the bird had bypassed (at least visually,l if not physically - although a suggestion that 'it' flew past Cley about 3 y'day, but unreported, is still in the gossip stage! I've even been reliably - and hopefully honestly - told that it wasn't even seen off the 'Bermuda Triangle' that is the East coast) Norfolk and downed itself in Suffolk (although, possibly having spent the night somewhere near Kessingland...!) I had to decide if I wanted to twitch out-of-county again to try and see this mega.
The decision didn't take long! After a quick dress-up, I called Kieran, who was up for the twitch, and, after a quick discussion, decided the best option was to pick him up on route and make our way down. It takes c 15 mins to get to Kieran's and in this time the bird had left North Warren (its original stop off) and headed south again. Another quick decision was needed and soon we decided to head off anyway and just see what happens. Neither of us were that confident, with the thought of it continuing south into Essex and being lost amongst its inlets!
About 1/2 hour into our South-ward journey the pleasing news came through the pager and I calmly passed on the news that it had relocated to Sudbourne Marshes, near Orford. The destination in the SatNav was changed and we continued on our way with higher expectations (and possibly slightly higher speeds, some overtaking was 'interesting' to say the least - but of course always safe and legal (you can never tell who reads these!))
Then came the confusing message that the bird was at Boyton Marshes at 1 pm, with no message that it have flown again! A quick bit of map reading and SatNav changing had us heading to Boyton (which didn't seem to exist on road signs until we got there!) 'Meeting' a couple of cars in the village and noting 'Boyton Hall Lane' we headed down to the parking carnage that was occurring around the bird! Some interesting (in)decisions by other drivers and 'imaginative' parking on my behalf of myself, lead to a 10 metre walk to view the bird!
'Showing Well' views were a little distant and in strong heat haze, hence the quality of the pics! But. hey, it's the Sandhill Crane!
Contact: E-mail: Mobile: 07749779149
How reliable is your East Norfolk source David? Was it one of the 'Mafia'?