With time to spare (Megan (and Louise!) had friends round :)) I decided to head up to Wells, where a Wryneck had be showing well (at times) since Sunday. There had been no news on the bird on the pager(!) so when I arrived I asked the car-parker if he knew it had been seen. He claimed it had, and after chatting he allowed me to park up without paying and said I could pay when I left!
I made my way over to a single person sitting on the ridge. I wasn't that hopeful, not even sure if the person was a birder. She was, and I crept up behind her and could immediately see the Wryneck feeding c 20 m away, out in the open on bare soil. It remained in the open for the next 2 1/2 hours, only twice moving to the hedge and both times remaining in full view, and was extremely confiding, walking up to us to within 5m at the most. People came and went and, with a little encouragement to approach carefully and quietly, the bird was never disturbed and gave all-comers fantastic views!
Contact: E-mail: dnorgate21@googlemail.com Mobile: 07749779149
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