Monday, 9 May 2011

Two Days: Two Megas!

By a twist of fate I was standing in the Sparrow's Nest Car Park, Lowestoft when at 12.11pm the Mega went off: AUDOUIN'S GULL Minsmere RSPB East Scrape at12.04pm. There was about 30 seconds when I wondered if I should go for it! Typed Eastbridge in the SatNav, just over half an hour, it had to be done!

It felt much longer, but I reached Minsmere and dumped (sorry, carefully parked the car) and set off to North Hide. On arrival a kind RSPB volunteer let me look through their scope to see Lesser Black-backed Gull! It wasn't her fault, someone else had moved it, but boy was I worried for a moment. She kindly realigned and there it was: asleep. Even in this posture, the long legs, rounded head and pale mantle colour stood out. It wasn't long before it had a quick look around and the red bill, with dark sub-terminal band and pale yellowish tip was noted, along with the dark beady eye. 'We' moved from North Hide to east Hide, where the bird was closer and the light was better. It primarily remained with its head tucked in, but occasionally looked round and then had a preen and a good stretch, showings its small mirror and 'pearl' pattern on the primaries. What a bird!!

Having had good views, and time being precious, I left, elated that seen such an enigmatic bird, a true rarity 4th for Britain (?) and a first for me!

Contact: E-mail: Mobile: 07749779149


  1. Hi David, just recently found your blog on facebook. Looks great! Glad to hear that you saw the Collard Fly and Audoin's Gull.. Doesn't look like you have a followers section so will follow otherwise. Great pics.. If you have time, my blog is - your welcome to become a follower. Kind Regards Chris Bridge

  2. Thanks for the kind comments, Chris. It has been a good couple of days! I look forward to having a look at your blog! Take Care!
