Tuesday, 9 November 2010

RIP Return of the Chill

Ruralchill is now defunct!

Feel free to find me on facebook if you want more of:
My life, my universe and my birds!!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Julian's weekend pictures

He also managed to see the Red-flanked Bluetail at Holm amd Red-breasetd Flycatcher. I, however, was just happy to make it out of my sick bed to spend some time with my family!!
Contact: E-mail: ruralchill@live.co.uk Mobile: 07749779149

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Waxham Red-flanked Bluetail

So wonderful to be able to share in this East Coast bird. Truly an amazing experience as the bird was watched for well over an hour flitting backwards and forwards inside the copse area, often showing down to a few feet, seemingly oblivious to the quietly standing admirers. I even had to take my 1.7 converter off the camera as it was nearly always too close! (Shame my pictures don't do it justice)!

Contact: E-mail: ruralchill@live.co.uk Mobile: 07749779149

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Into October

An early morning visit to Kelling Water Meadows was rewarded with good views of the Barred Warbler in the Elder and brambles in the NW corner. The Red-necked Phalarope was still present, but being more distant since its partner has departed. Also present was a stunning male Ring Ouzel that showed distinct white on the wing and fringes to the flanks and mantle as it flew away- possibly 'alpestris'? A group of 10 Little Egrets also flew over.

Contact: E-mail: ruralchill@live.co.uk Mobile: 07749779149